Monday, January 3, 2011

Smooth Sailing For Departure....I Thought?

Yesterday I did all the last selecting of items that go in the suitcases. I have everything packed except for shoes (how do I narrow it down to 4 pr when last time I took an entire suitcase with JUST shoes???) and toiletries. All I had to do today, our last full day before we fly off to Ft Lauderdale, is polish the nails, install the backup of Quickbooks onto my laptop and update the laptop with miscellaneous bookmarked websites I might find useful while we're away. I turned the laptop on and the internet went access there or on my desktop. All of a sudden my TIVO rebooted also, 3 times! Just to add stress, there was something I wanted to bid on on eBay that was to close in less than an hour. Maybe I didn't need it after all...but thank goodness for cell phones! I had mine ready to bid just in case. :) After unplugging and replugging the wireless network everything came back and all was fine. Or was it? I tried installing the Quickbooks backup. I hadn't used Quickbooks on my laptop since 2009, so it needed to be updated. I updated and updated but kept getting error messages when trying to install the backup. DUH, I had to reboot the computer! FINALLY, after several hours and numerous attempts, success!!! Scary to be on the computer so much as still not know what I'm doing. LOL
Mel is washing the cars. Is that something that needs being done before one leaves for 2 months? He's also finally taking down Christmas from the front porch. I'm going to give up on computers and go finish the packing. It'll be interesting to see how much the suitcases weigh. I may have to do some purging if they're too heavy. Hmmm, how will I bring anything home if my luggage is already overweight. I'm sure I'll figure it out, I always have. We'll be picked up at 11 a.m. to head for the airport tomorrow. I'll probably post again once we're settled and on our way. Our first port is Grand Cayman on Fri. I'm looking forward to some warm sunshine and snorkeling.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are finally ready to go ! Did you solve your problem of overweight luggage ? (I guess you'll juste have to pay for the extra !)
    Have fun snorkeling in Grand Cayman. Here it's cold and polluted :(
